Riviera Beach or Juno Beach – which do millennials prefer

Making a decision on where to move is tough. Hiring City Movers will greatly ease the moving process itself. When you move for work or any other reason that decides the location for you, it takes this decision from your shoulders. It might seem good to be able to pick a new destination, but it can be a burden in the endless list of tasks that need to be done when moving. If you are thinking about whether you should pick Riviera Beach or Juno Beach, we are here to help you with this article.

General information about Riviera Beach

Riviera Beach is a suburb of the City of Fort Lauderdale. It has a population of around 35,000 residents. Apart from offering some of the best movers Riviera Beach FL, it offers its residents an urban feel. In this place, most residents own their homes. When it comes to entertainment, there are plenty of parks and restaurants. Because of its small size, everything is within walking or driving distance. It also has very little traffic, making it a very convenient place to live.

Picture of the sunset
If you like small suburbs, these two are perfect for you

General information about Juno Beach

Juno Beach is also a suburb of Fort Lauderdale. The population of this suburb is around 3,500 residents. It is considered to be one of the best places to live in Florida. Juno Beach has some great movers Juno Beach FL. The people here usually own their homes and enjoy entertainment options in the form of coffee shops, parks and restaurants. Many retired people live in this suburb because it is a calm place. So the question still stands, should you choose Riviera Beach or Juno Beach?

What do millennials look for in a home?

The suburbs are usually appealing to millennials because it has affordable housing prices and amenities they like. They also prefer hiring some packing services Miami to make their relocation easier. Some of the things they look for are:

  • Short commute time
  • Good public transportation system
  • High quality public schools
  • Plenty of entertainment options

Millennials want a strong community

This generation wants to be part of a community. Finding a good neighborhood is one of the top priorities when moving with some movers and packers Miami. Millennials usually look for neighborhoods that have bars, dining options, and social events. Being near to these places gives a feeling of belonging to a community, which millennials long for. Pet-friendly places are another plus for young people who are looking for a place to move to. Funny thing is that 33% of millennials were influenced by their pets when buying a home, rather than marriage and kids.

People walking on the beach with their pets
Millennials are looking for a place with a strong community


Taking into consideration all the things that are important to millennials, which do you think is worth all the moving stress? Riviera Beach or Juno Beach? Since both suburbs are similar, both would be good for people of this age group. But the decision is always up to you because you know best in what kind of place you want to spend a part of your life or your whole life. We wish you an easy relocation!

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