Should you ask your friends to help you move?

It is hard to organize your location on your own. There are so many things to do and probably not enough time. For this reason, you should get help. You can hire moving companies in Florida since it is always better to have professionals take care of your items. However, in order to reduce your moving cost, you can pack your items by yourself. Since this also includes packing large and heavy pieces of furniture, you should ask your friends to help you move. It can be a little bit tricky to get your friends to help you. Therefore, here are all the things to do and not to do when having friends over. 

Treat your friends well if you want their help

It would be a great advantage to have your friends over to help you when moving from Florida to California. However, here are all the things to do when your friends come over to help you. 

  • Give them enough notice – since you also need to start preparing for your relocation at least two months in advance, you should also notify your friends at least a week in advance. This will give enough time to your friends to prepare and organize their chores. 
  • Appreciate their help – we have a knowledge that it’s a huge favor to ask. Packing large and heavy items is physically demanding. For this reason, make sure to let your friends know that you appreciate their help. 
  • Pack on weekends – most people are free on weekends. therefore, you should either ask for weekend help or pack your items when your friends are free. 
person folding clothes
It is difficult to pack your household for moving

What to avoid 

There are certain things you should not do when you are asking your friends to help you. 

  • Don’t get angry if they refuse – your friends might be extremely busy, so they cannot help you with packing. For this reason, don’t take it personally and don’t get angry if they refuse to help you. 
  • Avoid being bossy – of course, you would want to pack your items in the best possible way. However, you should avoid being bossy and asking for perfection. Instead, try to find a way to politely show your friends have to pack your items. 
  • Don’t be vague – be specific about what you need. Tell your friends if you need help with disassembling your furniture or if you only need their help for packing smaller items. 
  • Be prepared – make sure to have all the necessary packing supplies and all the items cleaned and ready for packing. 
man screaming in the phone
Don’t get angry if your friends don’t have time

How to repay when you ask your friends to help you move 

So you ask your friends to help you move and they do it. Now, you should repay for the help you receive. First of all, you should prepare refreshments and meals for your friends. Then, you should organize either a farewell party or party for moving in and invite your friends over. if your friends ask for your help with moving as well, you should definitely help them. 

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